Note: It's important to know that the pop-ups are not Breeze specific, they are related to your browser. If you are using a Mac, this may help:.If you are using Windows with Chrome, this may help:.Here is a website that can help you get to a resolution:.

) Here are few steps to resolve this issue: Select the Settings option to navigate the browser settings page.

Pop-up blocker programs are designed to stop pop-up windows that are used in a way that is disruptive to the user (Explanation from. Now, click on the 3-dot menu icon on the top right of the browser window. Disable the Pop-Up Blocker in Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox’s desktop, iPhone, and iPad versions allow you to turn off the pop-up blocker. There, activate the Pop-Ups and Redirects option. Pop-up windows are intended to open a new Web page within a different window to leave the original page unaffected: the new window may include some special customization features. To disable the pop-up blocker in Chrome on mobile, open Chrome and navigate to the three dots menu > Settings > Site Settings > Pop-Ups and Redirects. If you're getting pop-up windows when browsing on Google Chrome it either means the pop-up blocker is not properly configured or other software is circumventing the browser's pop-up blocker. Sometimes, users will experience pop up ads in their browser, which makes for a frustrating experience.